Many people grew up singing the old classic, “Jesus Loves Me.” While we might think of it as a song for children, we must never forget that as Christians – no matter how old we get – we remain children of God. In keeping with this thought, C.D. Frey, some years ago, wrote an updated …
Paul, in chapter 5 of his letter to the Romans, begins a study of contrasts between two pivotal figures: Adam and Jesus Christ. After clearly identifying the serious impact of the actions of the first man, Adam, in verse 12: “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, …
Christmas gifts for your grandchildren usually have a short lifespan. Sure, they may love them at first, but over time the new wears off, the excitement fades, and something newer and shinier is destined to take their place. Knowing this, and experiencing it myself, this past Christmas I spent some time thinking about what kind …
The Gospel of John begins with an amazing Prologue – the first eighteen verses of chapter one – which serve as a lens to bring who Jesus true identity into focus. From the first five verses, it is obvious that the apostle John is on a mission: “In the beginning was the Word, and the …
In the apostle Paul’s classic letter to the Romans, he makes a bold statement to those living in a culture where honor and shame were important – he wrote: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and …