Before Abraham Was, I Am
John 1:1-3; 8:51-59

Christ • Deity of Christ • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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The Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sin of the World
John 1:19-34

Christ • Cross • Salvation • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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If You Loved Me…
John 14:28

Christ • Cross • Death • Love • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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Supernatural Peace
John 14:25-27

Christ • Holy Spirit • Indwelling • Peace • Peace of God • Relationship • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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I Will Not Leave You Orphans
John 14:18-23

Christ • Communion • Holy Spirit • Relationship • Sermon Speaker: Allan Reed

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Jesus – God’s Last Word
Hebrews 1:1-3; John 1:1, 14 & 18

Christ • Relationship • Salvation • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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He Who Has Seen Me Has Seen the Father
John 14:7-11

Christ • God the Father • Holy Spirit • Indwelling • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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Show Us the Father And It Is Sufficient For Us
John 14:7-11

Christ • Interpreting Scripture Literally • Mediator • Prophecy • Sermon Speaker:

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Almost Home
John 14:1-6

Christ • Peace • Rapture • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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Love Isn’t Love ‘Till You Give It Away
John 13:33-35

Christ • Church • Love • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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