The Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sin of the World
John 1:19-34

Christ • Cross • Salvation • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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I Am the True Vine and My Father is the Vinedresser
John 15:1; Isaiah 5:1-7; Mark 12

Cross • Gospel • Grace • Jesus • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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Surprise! Resurrection Sunday
1 Corinthians 15:12-19; Matthew 28:1-8

Cross • Gospel • Resurrection • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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If You Loved Me…
John 14:28

Christ • Cross • Death • Love • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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Father, Forgive Them – The Thief on the Cross
Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23

Christ • Cross • Faith • Forgiveness • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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Father, Glorify Your Name
John 12:20-33

Bible • Cross • Death • Prophecy • Satan • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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There Is No Loss in Following Jesus
John 12:23-26

Christ • Cross • Discipleship • Sermon • Testimony Speaker: ALLAN REED

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The Unselfish Seed
John 12:20-26

Cross • Death • Discipleship • Glory • Sermon Speaker: ALLAN REED

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